Player of Games by Iain M. Banks

This novel written by Iain M. Banks is impressive. We follow the character of Jernau Gurgeh, a man renowned for dedicating his life to mastering complex games. The story is set in an extremely scientifically advanced society named the Culture where laws have become redundant and the citizens possess almost utter freedom. The Culture's innovative… Continue reading Player of Games by Iain M. Banks

Asimov and Robotics

Asimov wrote 38 short stories and 5 novels in the book series Robot. He was fascinated by the idea of automated machines that could accomplish the same tasks as humans. His avant-garde passion towards the idea of robots and his stories led to a worldwide interest into this then obscure side of technology. Robot His… Continue reading Asimov and Robotics

Gods of Sci-fi and Fantasy: Isaac Asimov

Quotes - "Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent" -“Life is pleasant. Death is peaceful. It's the transition that's troublesome.” - “Those people who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do.” Isaac Asimov was one of the forefathers of science fiction literature during the 20th century and… Continue reading Gods of Sci-fi and Fantasy: Isaac Asimov

Book Review: The Three Body Problem

Similar to the book Diaspora by Greg Egan, this Hugo Award sci-fi story written by Cixin Liu associates elaborate scientific ideas like the Three-Body Problem with a creative and entrancing plot. Set in China after the Cultural Revolution, the novel shows the first encounter with an advanced alien species living on a faraway planet under… Continue reading Book Review: The Three Body Problem

Book Review: Diaspora by Greg Egan

Diaspora is a captivating science fiction novel by Australian writer Greg Egan that evokes complex physics ideas through the tale of the development of the human race through space and its encounters with numerous alien creatures. Synopsis Set on Earth in a divided human society in a distant future, this story starts by showcasing how… Continue reading Book Review: Diaspora by Greg Egan

3 amazing book series

Looking for an interesting book series that you can get attached to and that'll keep you occupied? Say no more, you're at the right place. 1. Foundation by Isaac Asimov Foundation is a complex and captivating series. Isaac Asimov, one of the best authors of science fiction to have ever lived, artfully directs the plot… Continue reading 3 amazing book series